Things escalated quickly...

saturday July 1, 2023 / status: thankful for small miracles

But now it's back to normal. Or as normal as can be. My mom, who has been terminally ill for the last two years, has been in the hospital for a while and it was not looking good. At all. So I've been with my dad for a while taking care of dinner and stuff. Thankfully, all thoughts, prayers and good vibes being send her way helped. Yesterday my mom came home again from the hospital. It was all just very bad side effects from medication she's taking. Now she has to switch to different medication. Hoping this will be doing better!
All in all I'm just very thankful our family is still whole and together even though my sister and me moved out, haha.

And we're almost there...

saturday June 17, 2023 / status: visiting my parents for Father's Day ♥

Oof. Finally some non-placeholder text here. I welcome you to my sixth endeavour on the interwebs since early 00s. I very much got inspired to go back to photoshop, website making and coding thanks to @catraa. She shared her neocities page progress on the forums at re-incarnation of goSupermodel, which has been open for 6 months now. As much as goSupermodel re-opening fueled my nostalgia, having my own little corner on the web is even more nostalgic! I'll never forget the days on Dutch profile websites like and in the early 00s and later on moving on to freewebs and "real" (sub)domains. I'm amazed by how well some of these snapshots of my internet life have been preserved!